We know from experience that owning an electric vehicle presents a unique set of pain points. So we set out to change that by developing a smart, cloud-based platform that automatically optimizes EV charging, for a greener, cheaper and simpler charge.

Dispatch start date
April 2023
Dynamic and Secure
Direction of flexibility
Demand down
Dispatch communication method
API and email
Instructions to Jan 2024
Hours requested to Jan 2024
MWh requested to Jan 2024
Data on this page is pulled from the Flexibility Dispatches Report (up to 31 January 24).
Flexibility Services Provider (FSP) experience
Why did you get involved with distribution flexibility services?
As a new type of service, we worked with UK Power Networks on its design through the Shift Innovation project to ensure that distributed flexibility asset like EVs would be able to participate and their flexibility potential could be unlocked. Since delivering our first dispatch with UK Power Networks in December 2021, we now provide flexibility services to 4 other DSOs and the National Electricity System Operator.