CUB (UK) Ltd
We are a family-owned energy consultancy firm that offers an unrivalled service to help businesses manage energy costs through competitive deals and solutions for all their energy supply needs.

Dispatch start date
June 2023
Direction of flexibility
Demand down
Dispatch communication method
Instructions to Jan 2024
Hours requested to Jan 2024
MWh requested to Jan 2024
Data on this page is pulled from the Flexibility Dispatches Report (up to 31 January 24).
Flexibility Services Provider (FSP) experience
Why did you get involved with distribution flexibility services?
To provide income to our customers that can offer their flexibility to UK Power Networks.
What do you wish you had known before starting the process?
Actually how easy it is to get involved in flexibility schemes, its something that we could have done before. Alongside the UK Power Networks, team we are able to help our customers generate revenue and balance the grid with ease!
Have you participated in any other flexibility schemes?
We have participated in the Demand Flexibility Service and Local Constraint Market Schemes with the Electricity System Operator (ESO).
What do you think is next for flexibility?
Official accreditation or recognition to be used for carbon reporting such as Net Zero commitments, Energy Savings Opportunity Scheme (ESOS) or Streamlined Energy and Carbon Reporting (SECR) where a customer is helping to balance the grid.
What feedback have your customers provided on flexibility?
Our customers have been over the moon with the flexibility schemes that CUB have offered to them and we are excited to grow our involvement further in flexibility schemes.
Do you have any tips for new market entrants?
Just to keep it simple. You will lose nothing by simply starting a conversation on the possibility of a mutually beneficial relationship with UK Power Networks. That’s what CUB did and we haven’t looked back since.