Tender Hub

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Live tenders

Participate in flexibility

We are proud to offer the most accessible flexibility procurement in Britain – with a minimum capacity of just 10kW in each zone and support for different metering and baseline approaches.

Our Autumn 2024 Long-Term Flexibility Tender is now live, and you can find out more about it through the documents below.

We run day ahead tenders on an ongoing basis, and long term tenders twice a year, as well as ad hoc smaller tenders to manage planned outage needs.

You can register for our day ahead tenders at any time, and start participating as soon as you are onboarded. See the below documents for details.

For news and updates on our latest tenders you can join our mailing list or follow us on Linkedin.

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If you have any further questions or need help, please do contact our dedicated team at flexibility@ukpowernetworks.co.uk

For news and updates, join our mailing list or follow us on Linkedin

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Our team holds numerous events from breakfast briefings to conferences – your opportunity to make your voice heard and learn more about our service.

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