Our 5 key focuses

Right capacity, right time, right place, lowest cost

We aim to deliver the right capacity in the right place, at the right time, at the lowest cost for our customers.

To do this, we focus our work around five key areas.


Our coordination with other network and system operators

Accelerating connections

3.4GW of generation and battery storage through GB-wide collaboration

MW Dispatch

Developing MW Dispatch with the ESO, speeding up 1.5GW of generation across 47 projects

Standardising flexibility markets

Standardising GB flexibility markets by chairing industry groups and leading multiple initiatives, making it simpler for customers
Data & Information

Our provision of data and information

Supporting decarbonisation planning

Easy access to over 160 datasets prioritised by local authorities to support decarbonisation planning

Supporting DER customers

Supporting distributed energy resources (DER) customers to participate in markets with confidence by sharing curtailment data

DSO data page

Key information all in one place > DSO Data page

Customer case studies

Building confidence in flexibility through monthly dispatch data and customer case studies
Flexibility market development

Our support to flexibility market development

Saving customers money

900MW of flex tendered for – saving customers £60m in 2023

Maximising green power

First DSO to introduce demand turn-up to maximise use of green power

Day-ahead flexibility

First DSO to introduce day-ahead flexibility

New commercial opportunities

Moving dispatch actions to day-ahead, aligning with ESO and opening up new commercial opportunities for flexibility

Supporting local authorities

Supporting local authorities to participate in flexibility - from sharing case studies, guidance and easy way to book a meeting to discuss flexibility

Enhanced market platform

New, enhanced flexibility market platform with EPEX SPOT

Our decision-making framework

The first separate DSO

Launching the first legally separate DSO

Independent supervision

Independent supervisory board established April 2023 to hold the DSO accountable

Capacity transparency

Transparency on delivering capacity through second annual Distribution Network Options Assessment (DNOA)

Dedicated operations team

Dedicated operations team based in DNO control room to ensure decisions taken in best interests of network and customers

Flexibility support

Flexibility dispatch framework and Annual Flexibility Service Procurement documents explaining how we procure and use flexibility
Network Planning

Our approach to network planning

Helping local authorities achieve Net Zero

Dedicated Local Net Zero team and named account managers to support all 133 local authorities in our regions to achieve Net Zero

Free tools & support

Launched Your Local Net Zero Hub, a free online energy planning tool with live chat support, plus fortnightly and one-to-one training available

'Your Decarbonisation Story'

Proactively reviewing each authority’s decarbonisation plans and providing a personalised summary, ‘Your Decarbonisation Story’

Access datasets

Easy access to 160+ datasets in themes shaped with local authorities, developing podcasts and video case studies
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